Why use an editor?

You’ve chosen to write something for someone else to read. Whether it is an internal memo, a thesis, an article, a web page, a book, or any number of other texts, it is destined for a reader who needs to understand it and engage with it.

There are many ‘tips and tricks’ to writing that are worth considering as you complete the piece, such as:

  • Is the text comprehensible and consistent?
  • Is the argument coherent and logical?
  • Is the piece’s structure sound and suitable for the publication medium?
  • Is the writing style and tone appropriate for the desired readership?
  • Have all errors of spelling, grammar and punctuation been removed?
  • Is your message clear and persuasive?

Keeping all these factors and more in mind as you write and re-write should gain you a great first draft.

However, when writing, you tend not to spot your own mistakes, to notice ambiguities or repetitions, or to be aware of your own writing mannerisms. It is crucial to ask for an objective professional eye to look over the text before publication to check for these possible pitfalls.

An experienced editor will not only correct errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar and formatting but also re-style if required to avoid ambiguous or obscure text, and ensure that the finished product is appropriate for the intended readership.

For top tips to make the most of your freelance copy-editor or proofreader, visit https://www.ciep.uk/knowledge-hub/top-tips.html