Lydia Wanstall

Copyediting and proofreading


Lydia worked with the Observatory and OECD on a high-volume, multi-country project, copy-editing 29 Country Health Profiles, each with several sections and dozens of graphs. She delivered to an unfailingly excellent standard – not only in terms of improving the texts but also in ensuring eagle-eyed consistency across them. Remarkably, Lydia managed to edit over 250 000 words in six weeks to meet very tight deadlines without compromising on quality, going the extra mile whenever required. It was a real pleasure to work with such a committed, efficient and highly skilled editor.

Anna Maresso / Guillaume Dedet
European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

It’s a real pleasure to work with Lydia. She copy-edited a lengthy and complex publication in line with the UNICEF style guide and did so with great flexibility, good humour and perfect compliance with tight deadlines. Her services are highly recommended.

Marie Wernham
Consultant at CREATE and author of UNICEF Child Rights Education Toolkit

Lydia did an excellent job copy-editing the flagship OECD publication, Health at a Glance. Professional, flexible, responsive – highly recommended!

Chris James
Economist/Health Policy Analyst, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

I have used Lydia’s services as a copy-editor for several scientific publications on environmental health. Lydia is easy to work with, professional and efficient, and produces great results. I have been very pleased with the final products she delivered and will definitely work with her again!

Marie-Eve Héroux
Technical Officer, Air Quality & Noise at European Centre for Environment and Health, WHO Regional Office for Europe

Lydia undertook the language editing of a large report on health inequalities for us. Although the text was very complex and the chapters written by different authors, she provided a consistent and well-edited report and we were very satisfied with her work, which also included logistical management of the work and filing of chapter versions at different stages of development, as well as very quick responses to any of our queries.

Matthias Braubach
WHO European Centre for Environment and Health, WHO Regional Office for Europe

You really are a remarkable editor. It is always satisfying to read the changes you propose to improve texts. And your commitment to excellence is also contagious. Thank you so much for taking this on at such short notice: we’re really grateful.

Mary Ann Stewart
Division of Country Health Policies and Systems, WHO Regional Office for Europe

Lydia has been employed by Cambridge Publishing Management on a freelance basis since 2010; during this time she has consistently demonstrated excellent proof-reading and copy-editing skills. In addition, she is organized, reliable and conscientious, and always ensures the timely delivery of high-quality work.

Tom Lee
Project Editor at Cambridge Publishing Management Ltd

I first hired Lydia as a proofreader for a large multi-country market research programme in January 2011. I have been very impressed with Lydia's work - her excellent grasp of the English language, her eye for detail, her confidence in presenting queries and she is also very conscientious and easy to work with. I have hired Lydia again as she is an asset to the project team.

Alpa Virdi
Owner/Director at Spotlight Market Research & Editing

Lydia is one of the most trustworthy, dedicated and highly reliable editors/proofreaders I have ever known. As a regular client, I truly admire the state-of-the-art standard for her editing and proofreading. I have never, ever been disappointed with her output.

Shunzo Majima
Associate Professor at Hokkaido University, Japan

Lydia has been a great editor to work with. Lydia reviewed my 5000 word executive fellowship report in tight timelines, working with me in whatever medium was convenient for me - whether it was online or on the phone. Prompt, efficient, reliable and great at drawing out the essence of my thinking, by simple communication and clear direction, Lydia provides a great value editorial service.

Rachael Lear
Managing Director at Coalescing

We have been working with Lydia for a year now and she has edited long and complex as well as short texts on environmental health topics for us. We have always been very happy with her timely and high-quality work. For us as non-native speakers, we need an editor in whom we can have a lot of confidence and Lydia is always willing to provide substantial advice on how to best use the English language.

Water and Sanitation at European Centre for Environment and Health, WHO Regional Office for Europe

Thanks very much for your work. Your copy-edit was really good, both in improving readability and in pointing out/questioning issues with content.

I even received the following from the main author: "Please thank the copy-editor, Lydia Wanstall - she has done an excellent job!"

Kate Taylor
Assistant Editor at Cambridge Publishing Management Ltd

A whole year has passed since Lydia and I started working together. My research is into organ transplantation issues so it is an international field, in which most papers are presented in English, but I am Japanese, and we Japanese researchers often struggle with our English language skills.

I have previously worked with native English professors and friends but they were often only in Japan for a short time. I have also worked with other editorial professionals, but while their English was good enough, they were weaker at dealing with the finer details of my field of research. My colleagues are well acquainted with our field but their translations can change my ideas to their own thoughts, misrepresenting my work.

Lydia is not a specialist in organ transplantation but she is a real specialist in English editing! She always asks me lots of questions to ensure that my argument comes across clearly – it makes me study extra hard – and then she makes my writing wonderful in her most suitable and beautiful English. She turns my drafts into exactly what I want to say for my academic papers, and sometimes she teaches me about English too! Surprisingly, her questions are always very sharp and they are even argued over at international conferences.

In addition, we have a large time difference between England and Japan, and sometimes summer time can be very tricky, but she always adjusts her schedule to meet my deadlines: she is really professional in not only her editing skill but also her kind personality!

I’m happy to write her this reference; the only thing that worries me is that she may be offered so much new work that she will be too busy to work with me! She is a really wonderful editor.

Maria Keiko Yasuoka
Postdoctoral researcher at Hokkaido University, Japan

I asked Lydia to copy-edit various publicity and strategy documents before publication. She delivered to a tight deadline and I found her approach efficient and flexible. Her work was thorough and accurate and included suggestions that added polish and elegance to the final text. I look forward to working with her again.

Richard Morton
VP Subsurface at Panoro Energy ASA

Finally our newsletter is about to launch and there is a great contribution from you! Thank you for your work, we're absolutely happy with the quality and timing you worked out on the articles.

Corporate Communications Manager, Central Asia

We would like to thank and compliment Lydia Wanstall for her wonderful editorial contribution and thoughtful comments.

Limor Aharonson-Daniel, PhD
Head, Department of Emergency Medicine at Ben Gurion University of the Negev

Sincere thanks for all your help and assistance and the professional approach to the timing! Many of the changes and suggestions you made were invaluable to the quality of the finished product and I am truly grateful.


Many thanks for your help, Lydia. That was all very painless and you were very pleasant to work with as well as being highly professional. I hope all my future experience of copy editing is as friendly and efficient as this has been.

Dr Simon Zagorski-Thomas
London College of Music, UWL

Thank you for the article and for your efficiency. As always, the article after your editing looks perfect. I really appreciate your help.

Publications Manager, Caucasus

Many thanks for all your help Lydia – just to say how impressed we have been with all your work as well as how quickly and thoroughly you have turned things round.

Dr Jo Nurse
WHO Regional Office for Europe

Thank you very much for your time and helpful advice on the edit. You helped me a great deal, and thanks to you, I could submit my paper before the deadline.

Research fellow, Japan

The great thing about your critique is you show me the bits I need to rethink rewrite or accept – it’s been about even on all three. I think it’s a baptism of fire for the book and will make it very robust.


Thank you very much for all your editing and advice. I can never fully express my gratitude for the smart changes you made to my documents and to my own skill itself!

PhD student, Japan